Welcome back to Routemap for Jira. This October, we proudly present a brand-new feature coming to the Routemap 1.7.2 release – Ideas Portal. So now, you can gather more ideas for your product’s functions or improvements.
What’s new? – The Ideas Portal
In this new version, we’re empowering our users to collect more ideas from team members, stakeholders, and even their external customers for product development. After all, they are the target customers whose needs they will try to satisfy.
The Ideas portal is a place to submit ideas, vote, and plan those new ideas for development. Then, you can link an existing Jira issue to that idea or create a new one based on what has been given in the portal.
More importantly, you can also make this portal public and share the link with anyone else you want to collect ideas from.
UI refinements in Routemap 1.7.2 release
Along with this new feature, we also updated the overall UI of Routemap for Jira. One of the biggest changes you can see is that the app’s features menu bar has been changed from being above the roadmap to the left side.
We hope that such improvements will help streamline your experience with Routemap’s features and help you manage your projects more efficiently.
Additionally, we’re also moving the board settings to the dropdown menu on the left column. This is where you can choose available Routemap’s features, board information and permission, and more.
The new Help Center
Last but not least, we are also bringing a new Help Center to Routemap for Jira so you can seamlessly find the fundamentals to utilize the app to the fullest.
And that’s all for this coming release. As for now, we are finishing things up to provide the most seamless experience for our users with these new updates.
Don’t forget to stay updated with Routemap for more exciting features coming to the app. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us via email or create a ticket at our Support Desk.